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Learn Telford Pop-up and Multiply Information Session

Brookside Central, Bembridge, Telford TF3 1LP

Wednesday 17 May 2023
(10am - 12:00noon)

The Learn Telford Team are offering information and advice on learning opportunities to support your wellbeing, personal interests and skills to return to work. 

We have courses to gently help you improve your Maths skills through Multiply.

The team are looking to set up courses in the local area and we would value your ideas.

Pop along for an informal chat or for more information please contact Learn Telford on 01952 383605 or text/call us on 07800 671797

Session details


The session is designed to introduce people to the services and support we can offer to support people into learning and return to employment.

If for any reason you find it difficult to register please contact us for support on 01952 383605

Eligibility criteria

Free to anyone wishing to receive advice, information on courses and learning opportunities. 

Anyone aged 19 years and over.

Venue and accessibility

In response to following the government guidance for COVID-19, the centre has put in place measures to make the Centre as secure and safe as they can.

You must inform the staff at the centre immediately of anyone is showing symptoms or testing positive for corona virus.

Brookside Central, Bembridge, Telford TF3 1LP

  01952 382180

Free parking is available close the building, which is wheelchair accessible.



What to Do Next

Look out for our virtual information events on the Learn Telford Facebook page for more information about our Access to HE courses and to hear from the Access team directly.

Are you feeling more confident and want to continue your learning?

During the Drop in staff will help and advise you on your next steps into further learning or work opportunities. You can also search for more courses on Learn Telford which we regularly update with details of new courses throughout the year.

We offer a wide range of short taster courses you can try in community centres around Telford and, when you feel ready to take your learning further, we can offer you an opportunity to join an accredited course and help you gain a qualification.

For learners looking for work or who want a change in career, we can offer you advice to guide you in the right direction and opportunities to gain qualifications in English and maths in Functional Skills up to Level 2.


For enquiries contact:

Opening Hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday

Telephone: 01952 382888

Email: support@learntelford.ac.uk

Learn Telford Telford & Wrekin Council Wellington Civic & Leisure Centre 2nd Floor Telford TF2 2FH